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Student Shout-Outs

Today, we would like to dedicate a blog post to two students. These two students have recently gone above and beyond in science. On their own time, these students did extra projects "just because". We are SO INCREDIBLY PROUD of you, Gaby and Emily! Check out more specifics below:

Gaby created an entire project on Nikola Tesla, the creator of the Tesla Coil. She created a PowerPoint Presentation, poster and also a 3-D visual for the class. Gaby presented her project and educated our entire class on the subject! The class was fascinated by her project and asked her countless questions! Isn't Gaby a wonderful role model?!

Emily created a double-sided poster on kinetic and potential energy! After being introduced to the subjects in science, Emily went home to research even more about types of energy! Following her findings, she created the beautiful poster seen below. She came into school and surprised Ms. Kerner with the poster after she finished!

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