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Heritage Day

Heritage Day was a huge success! Countries from all over the world were represented and celebrated. Here are the cultures we were lucky to learn about:

  • Lithuania

  • Bangladesh

  • Ireland

  • Haiti

  • Scotland

  • Honduras

  • Italy

  • Brazil

  • Sweden

  • Germany

  • France

  • Jamaica

  • Portugal

  • Thailand

  • Greece

  • Colombia

Before Heritage Day took place, each student had their own presentation. During the presentations, students had a chance to share all about their fascinating cultures. As their teacher, I was especially impressed by how many students went above and beyond what the project required. Some students created multiple display projects and countless students created bonus PowerPoints to go along with their presentations! What a lucky teacher I am to have such motivated, hardworking students! Check out some of their presentations:

(Since Maddie's presentation is a private video on youtube, you may not be able to view it. E-mail me if you would like me to share it with you!)

For the actual Heritage Day, the entire 5th grade in the Olmsted wing showcased their work. Students had a chance to educate other students, teachers and family members about their heritage.

Afterwards, we had a feast! Thank you so much to the families that were able to come in and celebrate with us! Also, a special thank you to every family who took the time to contribute an item of food that represents their culture. It was an incredible experience and the students had a blast!

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