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Danny Keefe and 3-2-1 Challenge

A couple weeks ago we watched a touching story about Danny Keefe. While watching it, I was blown away by our class' reaction. I knew they would be positively impacted, but I didn't realize how much! Afterwards, nearly every student was able to make a connection to the film. We also discussed how each person in our class has the opportunity to impact someone like Tommy and Danny did. When they learned they had to write an essay, I hardly heard any moans or groans! They were genuinely interested in Danny and his story.

Watch Danny's Day:

About a week after learning about Danny Keefe, I wanted to challenge the class to do something positive. So, we did the 3-2-1 challenge!

The students had one school week to complete the challenge. They said the most difficult task was meeting 2 new people. Although there are many new faces on the playground, our class realized how intimidating it is to introduce yourself. The genuine compliments and random acts of kindness seemed to be much easier. I was even lucky enough to benefit from some of the random acts of kindness! I'm such a lucky teacher! Now we challenge YOU to do it too!

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