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Everything you need to
know about

Miss Kerner!

Hi everyone! My name is Ms. Casey Kerner and I am THRILLED to be your 6th grade teacher!


This is my 9th year teaching but my FIRST year teaching at the Ahern! Prior to joining Foxborough, I taught 4th and 5th grade in Easton. I cannot wait for school to start! In the meantime I am going to tell you a little about myself.....

My Education!
  • 2016:

    • Earned my Master's Degree in Elementary Education

    • Became SEI endorsed

  • 2012:

    • Graduated from the University of New Hampshire with a Bachelors of Science in Education. 

  • 2008:

    • Graduated from Stoughton High School.

Contact Me!

Feel free to e-mail me:

My Favorites

Book: The Harry Potter Series. I have loved these books since I was your age!

Color: Blue

Movie: Remember the Titans

Food: Any type of fruit

Sport: Football

Subject: Math AND science! I can't pick one!

Hobby: Hiking and cooking

Dessert: Chocolate covered strawberries

Flowers: Sunflowers! They are so cheerful!

Animal: I LOVE all animals! Here's my family's rescue kitten, Coco:




My Childhood

I grew up in the next town over: Stoughton! My mother is a teacher, so I fell in love with learning at a young age. Many of you may have had my mother as YOUR elementary music teacher!  I have always been curious about absolutely everything. Growing up my nickname was "Curious Casey"!  


Besides learning most of my childhood centered around sports! I played soccer, softball, field hockey and basketball. 

Check out how BLONDE my hair was. I'm the little kid and my mother is holding me!

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